
Which training courses would you like to have access to as a teacher? Why? Which is, in your opinion, the best way to share good practices amongst?

Which training courses would you like to have access to as a teacher? Why? Which is, in your opinion, the best way to share good practices amongst? Once, in an article, I read that "training is the best legacy a human being can have" and that is in the hands of teachers. The reality is that in colleges, institutes, vocational training centers and universities there are small miracles every day. Difficulties that are overcome, acquisition of new knowledge and training for the future. And this is addressed thanks, mainly, to the great teachers who are prepared to know how to act in front of problems and euphoria and not only know how to face it by their knowledge but also by a way of being that inspires values ​​of overcoming. Hence, every teacher must be up to date with the news, technological advances, the interests of children and be prepared to act at all times. In short, it must be continually recycled through innovative and useful courses for daily educational

Without the demands of the national / regional curriculum, what would you say is the most important thing you would teach your students about your subject?

Without the demands of the national / regional curriculum, what would you say is the most important thing you would teach your students about your subject? Pre-school or Children's education is a magical time in which all learning is new and fascinating for them. In addition, the intelligence of children in early childhood is practical and direct, so it requires the teacher to provide a lot of motivation and enthusiasm so that the children's learning is as positive and durable as possible. The school is based on a curriculum to teach but this should only be a guide to make sure that all the knowledge required in children is applied without forgetting that there is another type of educational learning that we must also apply, such as learning that encompasses the transversal curriculum, that is, education in values, emotional education, education for peace, education for health, etc. Sometimes we forget this type of education and it is probably the most important beca

Portfolio _ Junior

The European Language Portfolio – Junior version. Firstly, the ELP Junior is a document where each student records your language biography, your language dossier and your language passport. You can: ·          keep a record of your progress in learning languages ·          record how you learn languages ·          keep some examples of work you've done in languages ·          show which languages you know ·          show what you know and can do in languages It is a very useful instrument for the student to reflect and be aware of their level of language learning. It is also a way to get rich in language learning and to know, accept and respect new cultures. Beside, using the ELP in children is a very positive and motivating way to create interest and respect for language learning. It is an intercultural understanding. In addition, promotes self-assessment and it fosters a model that gives greater responsibility to the students in their own learning.